Tracking down causes of exceptions in Eclipse

Max Rydahl Andersen

If you like me is getting tired of seeing "Unhandled event loop exception, Reason: someexception" and no stacktrace in Eclipse then try the following:

Create a file e.g. .eclipseoptions with the following contents:

# Turn on debugging for the org.eclipse.ui plugin. org.eclipse.ui.ide/debug=true # Show a dialog with details button when an internal error occur. org.eclipse.ui.ide/debug/internalerror/openDialog=true # Print exception stacktrace to console org.eclipse.ui.workbench/debug=true

and then run eclipse with -debug .eclipseoptions and you will get the full stacktrace as normal in the log but also on the console (clickable) and in a dialog when the exception occurs - no need to go looking in the log what just happend.

p.s. try to include the following too:

# Enable heap status monitoring org.eclipse.ui/debug=true org.eclipse.ui/perf/showHeapStatus=true

Gives you a nice hint about memory you are "utilizing"